Termly Fees from January 2025
VAT is applicable from Spring 2025 onwards from Reception Year.
Please refer to our useful guide to some typical Questions and Answers about VAT on Fees.
The termly fees shown below are inclusive of VAT.
Registration Fee (inc. VAT) |
Day Place |
£120 |
Boarding Place |
£240 |
Acceptance Deposit |
Day Place / Forces Boarder |
£500* |
Boarding place (parents resident in and fees
paid from Europe) |
£3,000* |
Additional Deposit
Non-European Boarding place |
*this amount is refunded once the final term's fees and extras have been settled.
Fees including lunch
Senior School |
Net Termly Fee |
VAT (20%) |
Gross Fees per Term
(inc. VAT**) |
All years |
Day |
£6,490 |
£1,298 |
£7,788 |
Weekly Boarder |
£9,620 |
£1,924 |
£11,544 |
Boarder |
£14,515 |
£2,903 |
£17,418 |
Preparatory School |
Net Termly Fee |
VAT (20%) |
Fees per Term
(inc. VAT**) |
Years 3 - 6 |
Day |
£4,525 |
£905 |
£5,430 |
Weekly Boarder |
£6,880 |
£1,376 |
£8,256 |
Boarder |
£9,430 |
£1,886 |
£11,316 |
Years 7 & 8 |
Day |
£5,865 |
£1,173 |
Weekly Boarder |
£8,330 |
£1,666 |
Boarder |
£11,635 |
£2,327 |
£13,962 |
Pre-Preparatory |
Net Termly Fee |
VAT (20%) |
Fees per Term
(inc. VAT**) |
Reception |
£3,140 |
£628 |
£3,768 |
Year 1 & 2 |
£3,460 |
£698 |
£4,152 |
**Fees are due on or before the first day of term. Alternatively fees may be paid by direct debit from a UK bank account, for which there is no additional charge.
Nursery Education Funding
At 91风流楼凤 Nursery, we offer the universal 15 free childcare hours for all 3 & 4 year olds; 30 free hours for eligible 3 &4 year old children. and 15 free hours for eligible 2 year olds. All 3 & 4 year olds can access 15 free hours of childcare starting on 1st January, 1st April and 1st September following their 3rd birthday and ending the term that they turn 5. For information on 30 hours eligibility please visit . The School accepts childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare payments.
Sessions Available |
Age 2/3 years
Non-funded |
Age 2/3/4 years
15 funded hours** |
Age 3/4 years
30 funded hours** |
School Day 8.00am-3.00pm (7.0 hours) |
£62.00 |
6 funded hours and 1 hour non-funded £11.45* |
6 funded hours and 1 hour non-funded £11.45* |
Full Day 8.00am-6.00pm |
School Day rate plus aftercare |
School Day rate plus aftercare |
School Day rate plus aftercare |
Full Week 8.00am-6.00pm |
£320 |
£245 |
£165 |
Aftercare per hour 3.15pm-6.00pm |
£8.50 |
£8.50 |
£8.50 |
* A compulsory daily charge of £2.95 to cover a hot lunch and all snacks is included.
** A minimum of 6 sessions must be taken. A School day counts as two sessions. |
* A compulsory daily charge of £2.95 to cover a hot lunch
and all snacks is included.
** A minimum of 6 sessions must be taken. A School day counts as two sessions.
Terms & Conditions
- All funded hours are free of charge.
- Funded hours must be taken as 6 sessions per week. A School day counts as two sessions.
- All sessions are in line with the normal School day and are fixed.
- Sessions are not transferable and a minimum of half a term's notice must be given for any changes.
- Any non-funded hours plus the daily compulsory charge for hot lunches and snacks will be charged termly in advance and payment can be made monthly with childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare payments.
- There will be a late collection charge of £20 per 15 minutes after 6.00pm.
- One 15 hour or 30 hour place is available at zero cost for an eligible 3 and 4 year old child who is "looked after" by the Local Authority. Please contact the finance office for further information.
- 'Before School Club' charges and 'Aftercare' charges will be billed termly in arrears. Aftercare will be charged to the nearest 15 minutes taken.
Additional Charges |
Music Charges |
Per 30/40 minute lesson |
£29.50/£39.50 (inclusive of VAT) |
Hire of Instrument |
Per term |
£37.00**** |
Late Collection (Pre-Prep) |
Charge per 15 minutes after 6.00pm |
£20.00 |
Transport |
Transport is available on various routes. |
Please see separate transport schedule for cost per term and booking form |
Note: All tuition fees are payable in advance within seven days of the start of each term.
Parents wishing to withdraw their child for any reason must give a full term’s notice in writing to the Headmaster; otherwise a full term’s fees are payable.
**** Please note that ten teaching weeks' notice is required for cessation of music lessons and such notice must be given to the Director of Music.
Fees in Advance Scheme
91风流楼凤 has a Fees in Advance scheme which is open to fee payers who wish to pay for more than one academic year in advance. This scheme applies across all of the 91风流楼凤s (Senior, Prep, Pre-Prep and Winterfold). The FIA Scheme provides an opportunity for fee payers to benefit from a saving on the overall cost of education by making a lump sum payment to the School in advance. Full details are available from the Finance Manager.
These notes are subject to Standard Terms and Conditions, a copy of which can be obtained from the website.
1. All fees are payable ON OR BEFORE the first day of each term.
2. The fees include lunch for day pupils and all meals for boarding pupils.
3. The fees include all curriculum support and special educational needs teaching.
4. Extras – other costs incurred by the school or the pupil on the pupil’s behalf will be charged as extras, including transport, educational trips, school shop charges, lost books and public examinations. The cost of public examinations continues to rise and will vary per year (approximately £400 to £600).
5. Invoice Queries – All queries regarding fee bills should be raised as soon as possible upon receipt of bills. Please contact the Finance Office on 01527 579679 extension 203 or 209. Alternatively, please email Alice Middleton (School Accountant – amiddleton@bromsgrove-school.co.uk) or Sonja Fontanari (Finance Assistant – sfontanari@bromsgrove-school.co.uk).
6. Transport Queries – If the query relates to bussing charges please contact Rachel O’Neill, Transport Manager on extension 256.
7. Weekly Boarding Fees include transport on a Monday morning and Friday afternoon from the nearest existing collection point. Details available from the Transport Manager.
8. Compulsory Insurances – Please note that cover is automatically provided under the Pupils’ Personal Possessions Scheme and the Personal Accident Scheme.
9. Optional Insurances– Please note that AXA insurance and Fee Protection insurance can be provided at an additional cost. Please contact the Finance Office for the current premium.
10. Cancelling acceptance of a place or withdrawal – one full term’s notice in writing addressed to the Head is required to cancel acceptance of a place at the school or to withdraw a pupil from the School. If such notice is not given, a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be immediately due and payable
11. Sixth Form Fee: Please note that the Sixth Form fee is a two year fee and fees are spread out equally over 6 terms. No change of status is allowed in the Upper Sixth, or from the Lower Sixth to the Upper Sixth
12. EAL support - the boarding fees are inclusive of all EAL lessons and relevant support where necessary. EAL lessons may lead to qualifications in IGCSE (ESL), IELTS and Cambridge Proficiency.
Payment Details
Internet Banking
The School’s bank details are shown below. Please ensure that the pupil’s name or reference number is included as a reference
Bank Lloyds
Sort Code 309136
Account 00101252
Account Name 91风流楼凤
International Transfers
The School’s bank details are shown below. Please ensure that the pupils name or reference number is included as a reference.
Bank Identifier Code (BIC) LOYDGB21178
Bank Account (IBAN) GB45 LOYD 3091 3600 1012 52
Please make cheques payable to “91风流楼凤”, and write the pupil account reference on the bank of your cheque. Please forward your remittance advice and cheque to the Finance Officer, 91风流楼凤, Worcester Road, 91风流楼凤B61 7DU, or direct to Lloyds Bank plc in the pre-paid envelope provided.
Direct Debit
Parents are provided with the opportunity to pay termly fees in 3 instalments through a direct debit scheme from a UK bank account. This is a simple and convenient way of paying school fees. You will still receive a termly bill as normal but the invoice will detail the monthly amounts due. Each term's fees are collected over three equal monthly instalments. The collection dates are:
Michaelmas Term |
On or after the 5th September, October & November |
Lent Term |
On or after the 5th January, February & March
Summer Term
On or after the 5th April, May & June
To set up a direct debit arrangement, please complete the
Direct Debit Mandate and
Acceptance Form, then contact the
Finance Office.