The Boarding House reflects the high standards of accommodation being achieved throughout the Senior School, ensuring that our youngest boarders also live in modern, top quality accommodation fit for the 21st century.
Mr and Mrs Lawton are the Houseparents of Page House. They are assisted in 'Senior Page' by Mr Jenkins and Ms Salt.
Comments from Page Boarders
Jamie is from Germany and has boarded in Page for one year.
I like boarding because there are lots of people to play with and it’s like one big family. I like going to meals with people, the food is good, especially breakfast. I like sharing a room with my friends.
Annabel has boarded for two years. Her brother will be in Year 6 in September and Annabel will be in Year 8. Annabel is British Australian but lives in Moscow.
Boarding is fun even though sometimes you miss your parents. There is always someone you can turn to if you’re feeling upset. You should look forward to downtown and movie nights on Saturdays and fun trips on Sundays.
Elena has boarded since Year 4.
I like the art room because it has lots of equipment in it. The staff will lend you kit if you need it. You have good contact with your parents.
Kaitlyn is in Year 6. She has a brother in Senior School.
I like boarding because it’s like a sleepover every night. All the girls are very kind. I like snack time after school, movie nights and trips. My favourite trip was to Water world and I liked the archery trip.
Josh is a boarder in Year 5.
I really like boarding, it’s really fun. There are lots of people to meet. I like playing football outside, having hot chocolate and fruit and sharing a room.
Our Daily Routine
This is an example of the Page House daily routine, some timings do differ on certain days due to squads and early finishes.
6.50am Wake up; get dressed
7:10am Roll-call; walk up to breakfast
7:40am Return to House, brush teeth, make bed
8:05am Roll-call; walk to School
Monday and Thursday evenings
3:50 Years 3-5 are collected from school; snack; prep; free time
5.15pm Years 6-8 finish school; walk back to Page
5:30pm Roll-call; walk to supper
6:30pm Prep session for Years 6-8
After prep - free time (activities, chilling out, playing in Sports Hall or outside)
Tuesday evenings
3:50pm Years 3-5 collected from school; snack; prep; free time
5:15pm Year 6-8 finish school; walk back to Page; free time
5:30pm Roll-call; walk to supper
6:30pm Prep session for Years 6-8
After prep - free time (activities, chilling out, playing in Sports Hall or outside)
Wednesday evenings
3:50pm You finish School early! (Some children have sports fixtures so may return later than this)
Free time; downtown time for Years 7-8
5:30pm Roll-call; walk to supper
6:30pm Prep session for Years 6-8; Years 3-5 do prep in the house
After prep - free time (activities, chilling out, playing in Sports Hall or outside)
Friday evenings
3:50pm Years 3-5 are collected from School
4:30pm Years 6-8 walk back from School and sign in
Free time
5:30pm Roll-call; walk to supper
Free time after supper